Fire and Ice Ultra 250km. Probably the Toughest Multi-Terrain race in the world.
Iceland’s Toughest Multi-Terrain race in the world. 250km of lava fields, volcanic ash, sand dunes, and boiling mud pools. In the Fire and Ice Ultra, the aim was to create a course that incorporated many of the most spectacular environments ever seen in races all over the world, at the same time bringing the unique, spectacular, remote, and pristine Icelandic environment to your feet.
Including the sand dunes of the Sahara, the glaciers of the Arctic, the rivers, valleys and Grasslands from Europe and America, and the Volcanic Landscapes, unique to Iceland. Towards the end of the 2014 event, a new Volcano erupted, lasting many months, this has now stopped, but not before providing us with a new, and untouched 80 square kilometres of new playground.
Click here for all the details.